Monday, October 28, 2013

What is Cesarean Section ?
What is Cesarean Section ?
A cesarean section, frequently shortened to c-section is a birthing process in which doctors surgically remove the baby from of the womb. It's name is derived from the story that Julias Caesar was born this way. It was originally used to deliver babies from mothers who died during childbirth, which was a far more frequent occurrence than it is these days. The first recorded c-section surgery where the mother survived occurred in 1500 in Switzerland with the first in America in 1794.

With the development of modern surgery and anesthesia, the C-section process improved steadily and became a great deal safer. There are now two styles of C-section delivery: one performed by way of a classic incision and the now more common, via what is called a Monroe-Kerr incision.

The classic C-section involves a larger, top to bottom incision down the lower abdomen. After this initial incision, doctors cut through the underlying layers of tissue accessing the uterus. Here a vertical cut is done, and the child is removed. This vertical incision gave obstetricians plenty of access to remove the child. However it became apparent that this increased a mother's risk for infection and left the uterus more at risk for rupturing in subsequent pregnancies.

What is Cesarean Section ?

The more recent Monroe-Kerr incision is smaller, horizontal and made near the bikini line. The doctor then cuts through the layers of the body to access the uterus. An incision is then made into the womb allowing amniotic fluid to be drained away because this makes more room in the uterus. Obstetricians can then deliver the child.

Reasons for a Cesarean Section

There are basically two sorts of C-section, planned and emergency.
There are a multitude of reasons for a planned c-section, these are five of the most common

• The child is in a breech or transverse position, meaning the head is upwards, rather than downward near the cervix. If this is the case at around 38 weeks, and the child seems unlikely to turn the doctor will schedule the surgery usually somewhere between 39-40 weeks.
• Multiple births. Twins can prove challenging to deliver vaginally and in such cases a C-section is chosen. Any more than twins from Triplets onwards will almost always be delivered by cesarean.
• If you have delivered before by c-section (particularly a classical c-section) some doctors don’t feel comfortable allowing you to deliver vaginally because your old scar on the uterus may tear (uterine rupture).
• Placenta previa, which is when the placenta covers all or part of the cervix, making a vaginal delivery dangerous.
• The mother or the child has a health condition that may make the stress of vaginal birth a risky option.

Emergency C-section happens when a woman has had no indication of needing surgical intervention for the delivery until a risk arises late in the pregnancy or during the labor. These are common reasons why a woman might need an emergency C-section.

• The child becomes distressed during labor. For example if the child’s heart rate drops too low, or is too fast, an emergency C-section can be done to ensure the health of the child.
• If labor is either very hard or stops completely, many doctors will order an emergency C-section.
• If the mother has a genital herpes outbreak while in labor, a c-section is necessary because the infection can be deadly to the child.
• In the event of a prolapsed cord (the umbilical cord coming out of the cervix), a C-section is performed straight away because the supply of oxygen to the child can be cut off.
• The child is just too big to deliver vaginally.
• Other health concerns that may warrant an emergency C-section are low amniotic fluid, placental abruption (Placenta abruption is, separation of the placenta from the site of uterine implantation, before delivery of the child.), and meconium (faeces from the child) in the amniotic fluid.

No matter how or why you might arrive at a Cesarean Section , you will find yourself in the position of not only having a new baby to care for and recovering from child birth, but also convalescing from major abdominal surgery. C-section belly bands for abdominal binding and simple massage techniques are both natural and effective ways to enhance Cesarean Section recovery.

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